Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was last updated on January 21, 2016.

This policy sets out how RegFollower (“we” or “us”) uses, protects, and preserves information submitted by users. By using RegFollower and by submitting information through our website, you are agreeing to the terms of this policy (the “Policy”). If you have any questions about the Policy, please contact RegFollower directly before entering any information by sending an email with your questions to

*This privacy policy forms part of our terms and conditions and the provisions set out herein apply equally to this privacy policy.


Your privacy is important to us. We have developed this privacy policy (our “Privacy Policy”) to explain how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information when you visit our Website.

This Privacy Policy recognizes the important principles for the protection of personal information in respect of commercial activity, including those set out in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. This Privacy Policy has also been drafted in consideration of recent developments in Canadian anti-spam legislation.

We encourage you to carefully review our privacy practices, as outlined below, and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Use and Consent

By visiting our Website, you accept and consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. For certainty, by using our Website, you will be deemed to have given your permission for us to collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy at any time by contacting us.

If you do not agree with, or if you withdraw your consent to, the practices described in this Privacy Policy at any time, you must immediately cease using and accessing our Website and any content, services or products contained in or available from our Website.

Collection of Information

We may collect the following types of information in relation to your use of our Website:

Use of Information

We may use the information we collect on our Website to:

Disclosure of Information

We may disclose your information:

We also share technical information that we collect about your browsing habits and your device (e.g. data relating to our cookies, tracking pixels and similar technologies, etc) with advertising companies in the digital advertising ecosystem. This enables them and us to target advertisements that are more relevant to your experience and preferences.

Finally, we may disclose aggregated, anonymized information to our advertisers and other parties.

Cookies and Related Technologies

Our Website uses cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies. Cookies are small data files that are served by our platform and stored on your device. Our Website uses cookies dropped by us or third parties for a variety of purposes, including to operate and personalize our Website to enhance your experience. We may also use Cookies to track how you use our Website to target advertisements to you on other websites.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically. You may disable cookies on your internet browser, but that may limit your use of some of the features on our Website.

Retention of Information

We do not retain PII longer than necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or to meet legal requirements.

Foreign Data Protection Laws

We may transfer the information we collect to countries other than the country where we originally collected it for the purposes of storage, data processing and providing our services. You may also access our Website from various countries around the world. In these instances, we will take reasonable steps to ensure your privacy rights continue to be protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy, but these countries may have distinct and dissimilar data protection laws.

Responsibility for Information Collected on the Website

Except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, we control the information collected on our Website. Please see our terms & conditions for our pertinent corporate information.

Accurate Records

We aim to keep our information as accurate as possible. If you would like to review or change the details you have supplied with us, please contact us.

Links to Other Websites

This Privacy Policy outlines the privacy practices for our Website. Our Website may contain links to other websites, which are for your convenience only and do not constitute our endorsement, recommendation or approval of these other websites. While we attempt to ensure these other websites are relevant and appropriate, we do not control the content and practices of these websites. Each of these websites is responsible for maintaining their own independent privacy policy. Once you link from our Website to another website, you are subject to the privacy policy applicable to that website. We encourage you to consult the privacy policy applicable to each website you visit, especially if you share personal information.

Security on the Internet

We apply technical, administrative and organization security measures to protect the information we collect, including your PII. While we are committed to maintaining and protecting your privacy when you visit our Website, you should be reminded that the internet is not a completely secure medium.

Therefore, your privacy cannot be guaranteed when you visit a website or communicate online. While we make efforts to safeguard and protect online data, we assume no liability for and cannot absolutely guarantee against data corruption, interception, delay or other unauthorized theft or misuse.

Revisions to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time to ensure compliance with applicable privacy legislation and any changes to the products or services offered on our Website. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on a regular basis to ensure you are aware of any revisions. Your use of our Website after revisions have been made to our Privacy Policy signifies your agreement and consent to such revisions.

If we make any material change to this Privacy Policy, we will provide notice on our Website or by other means, as appropriate.

Privacy Questions – Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or if you would like to access your personal information or make a complaint about a possible breach of local privacy laws, please contact us.

All communications we receive are examined and replies are issued, where appropriate, as soon as possible. If you are unsatisfied with the reply received, you may refer your complaint to the relevant regulator in your jurisdiction. Upon request, we will endeavor to provide you with information about the appropriate complaint process which may be applicable to your circumstances.